7.45-metre long low-profile with elevating bed with rear twin beds and living area with central table.
7.45-metre long low-profile with elevating bed with rear twin beds and living area with central table.
A wide range of packages to customise your McLouis according to your preferences. Dedicated to those who love living outdoors, who do not give up their winter holidays, who want a motorcaravan equipped with every comfort. The choice is yours.
The body of McLouis motorhomes is manufactured in specialized production departments through high-precision industrial processes that guarantee the highest quality standards. The elimination of thermal bridges results in maximum waterproofing and acoustic insulation of the living unit, ensuring better insulation and greater protection against infiltration. The use of new materials with high insulating performance, such as bi-composite resins, has made it possible to reduce the weight of the body and make it more solid at the same time.